風生水起 齊齊撈起 Feng Sang Shui Hei (Smoked Salmon Salad)


風生水起 ( 三文鱼蔬菜沙律 ) (星加坡農曆新年賀年名菜)

Feng Sang Shui Hei (Smoked Salmon Salad)



  1. 煙三文鱼片  半磅  (保 留 2 大片捲起作碟中央裝飾用 , 其餘切絲留用 )
  2. 青瓜 1 條  ( 保留部份切片作碟中央裝飾 , 其餘去瓢切絲 )
  3. 紅椒 1 隻  ( 去籽切絲 )
  4. 蛋 3 隻  ( 打散後 , 煎蛋餅 , 切絲 )
  5. 即食海哲絲 2 包 ( 掠乾 , 用調味包調味 )
  6. 紅蘿蔔 1 條  ( 去皮切絲 )
  7. 海帶絲 半磅
  8. 火腿 片 半磅 ( 切絲 )
  9. 焗花生半杯  ( 切碎 , 可用芝蔴或日本木鱼乾碎替代 )
  1. 1/2 lb. smoked salmon (save 2 large pieces for parnishing); julienne the rest
  2. 1 pc. Cucumber(save part for garnishing); julienne the rest
  3. 1 pc. Red Pepper - julienned
  4. 3 Eggs; make thin egg-cake with pan - julienned
  5. 2 packets instant jelly-fish; season with accompaying packet; julienned
  6. 1 pc. carrot - cut thin-slice; julienned
  7. 1/2 lb. seasoned/julienned sea-weed
  8. 1/2 lb. sliced-ham - julienned
  9. 1/2 cup peanut - baked; crushed; can use sesame seed or rice seasoning(Japan)


Seasoning Mix

  1. 蘇梅醬 3 湯匙  ( 可用桃果占替代 )
  2. 日本醋或萍果醋 1 湯匙
  3. 糖 1 湯匙
  4. 豉油  1 湯匙
  5. 麻油 2 茶匙
  6. 辣椒醬 2 – 3 茶匙 ( 随意 )
  1. 3 Tbsp fine plum sauce (or apricot jam)
  2. 1 Tbsp Japanese or apple vinegar
  3. 1 Tbsp sugar
  4. 1 Tbsp soy sauce
  5. 2 tsp sesame oil
  6. 2-3 tsp hot pepper sauce (optional)
  1. 第 1 項至第 8 項材料全部切絲再分組排列在大碟上 , 碟中間用青瓜片及三文鱼片砌花裝飾
  2. 醬汁混合在碗中備用
  3. 享用前 , 全桌各人同時用乾淨筷子一齊把碟中材料齊齊撈起 , 寓意每位都能撈到風生水起 , 全碟共採用 8 項材料 , 寓意每位都會齊齊發達
  4. 每位取用沙律到自巳的小碟後 , 各自随所好加上花生碎 , 或芝蔴或木鱼乾碎 , 是第 9 項材料 , 寓意長長久久 , 長命百歲 , 再加上第 10 項醬汁 , 寓意事事十全十美
  1. Arrange items 1-8 from 1. onto a large plate according to own design; garnish at middle with salmon-rosette and cucumber
  2. Mix well Seasoning mix in bowl; set aside
  3. This is an ice-breaking dish; each person use his/her clean chop-stick to toss up the items in the plate - symbolizing everyone in the party will be up and successful in the coming days/year. 8 items on the dish symbolizing fortune for everyone.
  4. After having one's dish; add peanut or seasame seed. This is the 9th item - symbolize longevity; add the 10th item, the sauce - symbolizing perfect 10 for each one.
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Rice Bowl Seafood Restaurant

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A conversation with David Servan-Schreiber ( video worth to watch )

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